Our Story


We encourage others to join us and become something even Greater. 

The concept behind Gainz has always been simple -- LIVE WELL & WORK HARD.

How do we LIVE WELL?

We Live Well by what we consume, whether it be food, media content or association. Living Well is a key factor in a healthy active lifestyle.

Secondly what does it mean to WORK HARD?

Working hard doesn't necessarily mean that we wish you to work your way to exhaustion day in and day out... But, Working Hard is working eagerly and honestly towards your goals. 

For anything that I've ever truly poured my heart into no one can ever say that I didn't give it 110%. 

I often say to people that on my Tomb Stone it will read -- "He Tried".

Never be afraid to try and venture into the unknown. 

At times we alone came be our single worst enemy. But on the other side of the spectrum we can also be our number one competitor. Usually when something doesn't go your way --you need to only look at self. If something isn't working out the way you plan -- we must  reevaluate the situation and possibly attack the situation from a different angle. Never Give up on your Goals -- Never Give Up on Your self...You are Stronger than you know!

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